Our creation ‘For Friends Not For Brands’ – a horizontal community to bring creative minds together
Were you ever told as a child that you shouldn’t talk to strangers or take sweets from them? We at We Meet Brands have disobeyed this advice, because we believe that it is precisely the people we haven’t met yet who will have something new to tell or teach us. And so we created For Friends Not For Brands: a series of meetings, conferences and workshops designed to facilitate connections between people and ideas. An event that will stimulate the creative community to look away from screens and escape the digital world to meet in a physical place, get to know one another, share ideas and promote and enhance the project culture in Italy.
For Friends Not For Brands aims to be a horizontal community open to everyone: designers, new entrepreneurs, creatives, innovators and students. A space made up of many places in which to come into contact with an integrated design approach and a multidisciplinary way of thinking. A way to continue building a capacity to interpret and meet the real needs of citizens, organisations and businesses. In essence it will be an informal but valuable opportunity to network, meet colleagues and future collaborators and above all, new friends. The project is independent and self-financing; we do it because it represents all the values we believe in. We hope to see many of you at the first conference. We have already organised the guest speakers but we won’t give away any spoilers… just one promise though… there will be sweets!